by Khamsa collective
(Rand El Haj Hasan, Agathe Dessuges, Majd Soudi et Adel Qadoumi)
Client: Defense Innovation Agency- Ministry of Defense
Surface: variable , multiples of a 230 m2 module
Location: Paris, France
Status: Open call
Year: 2020

Respire (breathe in French) is a response to the COVID19 crisis and involves various facets:
• An auto-diagnostic and a rapid virtual diagnostic tool
• An enhancement of the perception of the epidemic risk
• An urban response of a social and educational impact
• A flexible size emergency hospital

As per the World Health Organisation’s recommendations, the camp is organized in four distinct wards: Reception of patients and staff, Patients with moderate symptoms, Patients with severe symptoms and Patients with critical symptoms. The decision to split the wards into independent modules in order to obtain flexibility as per the types of patients expected and the potential existence of surrounding hospitals. Hence, the campaign hospital turns into an apparatus of support to existing health structures.

The dimensions of the modules are identical. The interior organisation is what changes in function of the type of patients. Patients who develop critical symptoms require more care and are positioned in individual chambers in order to avoid infecting neighboring patients while they recover. Patients with less severe forms of COVID19 can be received in open spaces as per WHO’s guidelines, the beds being separated by lightweight partitions. Once the patients have recovered, they can leave the structure without any contact with more severe forms of the disease.

The lockdown has led to new uses or better described as dis-uses, of public space, specially urban parks. The emergency hospital will be placed within these green spaces, in order to provide a concrete urban response to the pandemic.
• Grant visibility to the fight against the pandemic
• Benefit of the natural air in order to enhance the ventilation of the modules
• Benefit of nature as a resource for patients
• Enable the staff to work at a serene environment
• Educate the populations nearby
• Reinvest in an urban place of great social impact

It is important to be able to receive each person with a health request and reorient them to the adequate services avoiding overwhelming the emergency rooms. It is important to provide official responses that are available 24 hours, in order to provide reassurance and efficiency. That is why an online platform is the most simple and most swift solution in order to receive virtually all the people asking for help. An auto diagnostic can be realized and used to reorient the person to the appropriate apparatus and when needed offer them a video-conference with a health professional.